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Operation $subsumes on CodeSystem

Check the subsumption between code/Coding A and code/Coding B. There are four possible results: equivalent, subsumes, subsumed-by, and not-subsumed.

$subsumes operation checks as direct subscription, as subscription via property where one code in the CodeSystem has in a property another as a "parent" or "child"




Query parameters

In Parameters:
Name Cardinality Type Binding Profile Documentation
codeA 0..1 code The "A" code that is to be tested. If a code is provided, a system must be provided
codeB 0..1 code The "B" code that is to be tested. If a code is provided, a system must be provided
system 0..1 uri The code system in which subsumption testing is to be performed. This must be provided unless the operation is invoked on a code system instance
version 0..1 string The version of the code system, if one was provided in the source data
codingA 0..1 Coding The "A" Coding that is to be tested. The code system does not have to match the specified subsumption code system, but the relationships between the code systems must be well established
codingB 0..1 Coding The "B" Coding that is to be tested. The code system does not have to match the specified subsumption code system, but the relationships between the code systems must be well established
Out Parameters:
Name Cardinality Type Binding Profile Documentation
outcome 1..1 code Concept Subsumption Outcome (Required) The subsumption relationship between code/Coding "A" and code/Coding "B".


Example - CodeSystem/$find-matches

    "resourceType": "Parameters",
    "parameter": [
            "name": "system",
            "valueUri": ""
            "name": "codeA",
            "valueCode": "3738000"
            "name": "codeB",
            "valueCode": "235856003"
    "parameter": [
            "name": "outcome",
            "valueCode": "not-subsumed"
    "resourceType": "Parameters"

More examples could be found in our Kodjin FHIR Server Postman Collection