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Operation $find-matches on CodeSystem

This operation takes a set of properties, and examines the code system looking for codes in the code system that match a set of known properties.




Query parameters

In Parameters:
Name Cardinality Type Binding Profile Documentation
system 0..1 uri The system in which composition is to be performed. This must be provided unless the operation is invoked on a code system instance
version 0..1 string The version of the system for the inferencing to be performed
property 0..* One or more properties that contain information to be composed into the code
property.value 0..1 code | Coding | string | integer | boolean | dateTime The value of the property provided
exact 1..1 boolean One or more properties that contain information to be composed into the code
Out Parameters:
Name Cardinality Type Binding Profile Documentation
match 0..* Concepts returned by the server as a result of the inferencing operation
match.code 1..1 Coding A code that matches the properties provided
match.comment 0..1 string Information about the quality of the match, if operation is for a human


Example - CodeSystem/$find-matches

    "resourceType": "Parameters",
    "id": "undefined",
    "parameter": [
            "name": "system",
            "valueUri": ""
            "name": "version",
            "valueString": "1.1.0"
            "name": "exact",
            "valueBoolean": true
            "name": "property",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCode": "notSelectable"
                    "name": "value",
                    "valueBoolean": true
    "parameter": [
            "name": "match",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "|1.1.0",
                        "code": "urn:ihe:dent",
                        "display": "Dental Domain"
            "name": "match",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "|1.1.0",
                        "code": "urn:ihe:pcc",
                        "display": "PCC Domain"
            "name": "match",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "|1.1.0",
                        "code": "urn:ihe:pharm",
                        "display": "Pharmacy Domain"
            "name": "match",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "|1.1.0",
                        "code": "urn:ihe.palm",
                        "display": "Pathology Domain"
            "name": "match",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "|1.1.0",
                        "code": "urn:ihe:lab",
                        "display": "Lab Domain"
            "name": "match",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "|1.1.0",
                        "code": "urn:hl7",
                        "display": "HL7 Organization"
            "name": "match",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "|1.1.0",
                        "code": "urn:ihe:rad",
                        "display": "Radiology Domain"
            "name": "match",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "|1.1.0",
                        "code": "urn:ihe:card",
                        "display": "Cardiology Domain"
            "name": "match",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "|1.1.0",
                        "code": "urn:ihe:qrph",
                        "display": "QRPH Domain"
            "name": "match",
            "part": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "|1.1.0",
                        "code": "urn:ihe:iti",
                        "display": "IT-Infrastructure Domain"
    "resourceType": "Parameters"

Try operation $find-matches with our Kodjin FHIR Server Postman Collection