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Getting started with the Kodjin FHIR Server API

The Kodjin FHIR Server API adheres to the HL7® FHIR® R4 specification and requirements for the ONC Certified (g)(10) Standardized API.

Who can access this API?

This Documentation and API helps our partners and customers (trusted EHR developers, payers) utilizing The Kodjin FHIR Server to integrate the API in their workflows to meet the requirements of the Standardized API for Patient and Population Services criterion § 170.315(g)(10) in ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT. Let us know you are interested in integrating with The Kodjin FHIR Server. Submit this form to indicate your interest in integrating with Kodjin.

Review and sign our API terms of service

The The Kodjin FHIR Server API terms of service will be sent to your designated authorized individual who will review and sign the terms of service. You can access our full terms of use here.

Start using our API in our sandbox environment

After registering as a trusted developer The Kodjin FHIR Server sandbox API credentials will be sent. Test practices in our sandbox environment are PHI-free to keep your test data private.

Once registered as a developer, developer is able to register an Application (client) and get the grants approved by the The Kodjin FHIR Server Administration for token generation purposes. The Kodjin FHIR Server support team will also be available to help you walk through the steps.

The data sharing entity (i.e. practice) provides written consent to provide production access to integration.

Start using our API in production. For further details on our ONC Certification and API transparency conditions, please refer to the link here. Client registration as developer or patient needs to register use the following links for token generation purposes.

Additional monthly fees may apply to integrators. API pricing is available upon request by contacting