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The US Core Profiles were originally designed to meet ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT for Patient Selection 170.315(g)(7), and Application Access – Data Category Request 170.315(g)(8). They were created for each item in the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT Common Clinical Data Set (CCDS). The Location, Organization, and Practitioner Profiles are not called out specifically in the certification criteria but are included because they are directly referenced by other profiles. The US Core Profiles are include requirements from the US Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) v1.

Corresponding Objects

The table below lists the US Core Profile and FHIR Resources used for the corresponding USCDI Data elements:

USCDI v.1 US Core 3.1.1
Allergies and Intolerances:
- Substance (Medication)
- Substance (Drug class)
- Reaction
US Core Allergy Intolerance Profile
Assessment and Plan of Treatment
- Assessment and Plan of Treatment
US Core CarePlan Profile
Care Team Members US Core CareTeam Profile
US Core Practitioner Profile
Clinical Notes
- Consultation Note
- Discharge Summary Note
- History & Physical
- Procedure Note
- Progress Note
- Imaging Narrative
- Laboratory Report Narrative
- Pathology Report Narrative
US Core DocumentReference Profile
US Core Diagnostic Report Profile for Report and Note Exchange
- Patient Goals
US Core Goal Profile
Health Concerns US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile
Immunizations US Core Immunization Profile
- Tests
- Values/Results
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile For Laboratory Results
Medications US Core MedicationRequest Profile
US Core Medication Profile
Patient Demographics US Core Patient Profile
Problems US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile
Procedures US Core Procedure Profile
- Author Timestamp
- Author Organization
US Core Provenance Profile
Smoking Status US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile
Unique Device Identifiers US Core Implantable Device Profile
Vital Signs US Core Vital Signs Profile