Patient Access API

API in Kodjin FHIR Server allows patients to easily access their claims and encounter information, including cost, as well as a defined sub-set of their clinical information through third-party applications of their choice.

This API conforms to the CARIN for Blue Button® Framework and Common Payer Consumer Data Set (CPCDS) standard for patient claim and encounter data, and the U.S. Core Data for Interoperability standard for clinical data, based on the FHIR version 4 specification.

All resources in Kodjin FHIR server could be searched by supported global search parameters. Additional search parameters are listed in the table. Also, with Kodjin FHIR server providers could add any other search parameters.

Using Kodjin FHIR server API patients can: - access medical data: conditions, observations, allergyIntolerances, etc. - access medication prescription - current and past prescriptions - view explanation of benefit information - review patient profile data - access claims and coverages

Kodjin Fhir server test endpoint:

You can try all those endpoints with with the help of Postman collection or with Kodjin resource browser

API endpoints:

endpoint get search
Patient id active, address, address-city, address-country, address-postalcode, address-state, address-use, birthdate, death-date, deceased, email, family, gender, general-practitioner, given, identifier, language, link, name, organization, phone, phonetic, telecom
AllergyIntolerance id asserter, category, clinical-status, code, criticality, date, identifier, last-date, manifestation, onset, patient, recorder, route, severity, type, verification-status
CarePlan id activity-code, activity-date, activity-reference, based-on, care-team, category, condition, date, encounter, goal, identifier, instantiates-canonical, instantiates-uri, intent, part-of, patient, performer, replaces, status, subject
CareTeam id category, date, encounter, identifier, participant, patient, status, subject
Condition id abatement-age, abatement-date, abatement-string, asserter, body-site, category, clinical-status, code, encounter, evidence, evidence-detail , identifier, onset-age, onset-date, onset-info, patient, recorded-date, severity, stage, subject, verification-status
Coverage id beneficiary, class-type, class-value, dependent, identifier, patient, payor, policy-holder, status, subscriber, type
Device id device-name, identifier, location, manufacturer, model, organization, patient, status, type, udi-carrier, udi-di, url
DiagnosticReport id based-on, category, code, conclusion, date, encounter, identifier, issued, media, patient, performer, result, results-interpreter, specimen, status, subject
DocumentReference id authenticator, author, category, contenttype, custodian, date, description, encounter, event, facility, format, identifier, language, location, patient, period, related, relatesto, relation, relationship, security-label, setting
Encounter id account, appointment, based-on, class, date, diagnosis, episode-of-care, identifier, length, location, location-period, part-of, participant, participant-type, patient, practitioner, reason-code, reason-reference, service-provider, special-arrangement, status, subject, type
ExplanationOfBenefit id care-team, claim, coverage, created, detail-udi, disposition, encounter, enterer, facility, identifier, item-udi, patient, payee, procedure-udi, provider, status, subdetail-udi
Goal id achievement-status, category, identifier, lifecycle-status, patient, start-date, subject, target-date
Immunization id date, identifier, location, lot-number, manufacturer, patient, performer, reaction, reaction-date, reason-code, reason-reference, series, status, status-reason, target-disease, vaccine-code
List id code, date, empty-reason, encounter, identifier, item, notes, patient, source, status, subject, title
Medication id code, expiration-date, form, identifier, ingredient, ingredient-code, lot-number, manufacturer, status
MedicationKnowledge id classification, classification-type, code, doseform, ingredient, ingredient-code, manufacturer, monitoring-program-name, monitoring-program-type, monograph, monograph-type, source-cost, status
MedicationRequest id authoredon, category, code, date, encounter, identifier, intended-dispenser, intended-performer, intended-performertype, intent, medication, patient, priority, requester, status, subject
Observation id based-on, category, code, code-value-concept, code-value-date, code-value-quantity, code-value-string, combo-code, combo-code-value-concept, combo-code-value-quantity, combo-data-absent-reason, combo-value-concept, combo-value-quantity, component-code, component-code-value-concept, component-code-value-quantity, component-data-absent-reason, component-value-concept, component-value-quantity, data-absent-reason, date, derived-from, device, encounter, focus, has-member, identifier, method, part-of, patient, performer, specimen, status, subject, value-concept, value-date, value-quantity, value-string,
Organization id active, address, address-city, address-country, address-postalcode, address-state, address-use, endpoint, identifier, name, partof, phonetic, type
Practitioner id active, address, address-city, address-country, address-postalcode, address-state, address-use, communication, email, family, gender, given, identifier, name, phone, phonetic, telecom
Procedure id based-on, category, code, date, encounter, identifier, instantiates-canonical, instantiates-uri, location, part-of, patient, performer, reason-code, reason-reference, status, subject
Provenance id agent, agent-role, agent-type, entity, location, patient, recorded, signature-type, target, when