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Operation $validate-code on ValueSet

Operation $validate-code allows to check whether a coded value is in the set of codes allowed by a value set or not.




Query parameters

Query parameter Type Status Description
url uri supported Value set Canonical URL.
context uri unsupported The context of the value set, so that the server can resolve this to a value set to validate agains
valueSet ValueSet unsupported The value set is provided directly as part of the request.
valueSetVersion string supported The identifier that is used to identify a specific version of the value set to be used when validating the code.
code code supported The code that is to be validated. If a code is provided, a system or a context must be provided
system uri supported The system for the code that is to be validated
systemVersion string unsupported The version of the system, if one was provided in the source data
display string supported The display associated with the code, if provided. If a display is provided a code must be provided. If no display is provided, the server cannot validate the display value.
coding Coding supported A coding to validate
codeableConcept CodeableConcept supported A full codeableConcept to validate.
date dateTime unsupported The date for which the validation should be checked.
abstract boolean unsupported If this parameter has a value of true, the client is stating that the validation is being performed in a context where a concept designated as 'abstract' is appropriate/allowed to be used
displayLanguage code unsupported Specifies the language to be used for description when validating the display property.


Validate whether code ABW is in VS iso3166-1-3

curl --location --request GET '$validate-code?system=urn:iso:std:iso:3166&code=ABW' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw ''
    "parameter": [
            "name": "result",
            "valueBoolean": true
    "resourceType": "Parameters"
    "parameter": [
            "name": "result",
            "valueBoolean": false
            "name": "message",
            "valueString": "The value provided 'notinstitutional' is not in the value set and code system|4.0.1"
    "resourceType": "Parameters"