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SMART on FHIR developers and clients self-registration

Kodjin FHIR Server offers a demo environment with a tool designed to demonstrate how developers can register SMART on FHIR applications with the Kodjin FHIR server.

This flow consists of two steps:

  1. Developer Self-Registration: During this step, developers obtain a token. With this token, developers can register or remove SMART on FHIR applications in the Kodjin FHIR Server.
  2. Register a Client: Register a client for a SMART on FHIR application that utilizes the FHIR API and SMART on FHIR framework. Learn more about authentication SMART on FHIR

By default, there are certain limits configured:

  • The lifetime for the initial registration token is 30 days.
  • A maximum of 10 clients are allowed to be registered.

This scenario can serve as an example for marketplaces hosting SMART on FHIR applications.

How to test

  1. Request Access to the Developer and Client Registration Tool: Send a request to the Kodjin team using the contact form's orange button "Request a Live Demo". Once you've contacted the Kodjin team, they will enable this feature on a test environment. Afterward, you will receive a base URL for the Kodjin FHIR Server demo installation.
  2. Access Developer Registration Page: Open your browser and navigate to [base URL]/registration/developer. Fill out the Form: Complete information about a developer, a company and set a consent.
  3. Proceed with Client Registration: Follow the provided link to register a SMART on FHIR application client.
  4. Utilize Kodjin FHIR Server Features: Finally, you can leverage all the features and capabilities of the Kodjin FHIR server with your SMART on FHIR application.

Endpoints to access FHIR Server

  • FHIR server url: [base url]/fhir
  • Metadata endpoint: [base url]/fhir/metadata
  • Authorization observation endpoint [base url]/fhir/.well-known/smart-configuration