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Standardized API for patient and population services

§170.315(g)(10) Standardized API for Patient and Population Services conforms to the following documents and specifications:

Base urls for API calls published here.

Full Documentation published here.

API syntax, function names, required and optional parameters and their data types, return variables and their types/structures, exceptions and exception handling methods and their returns:

Category API Endpoint
Allergies & Intolerances GET fhir/AllergyIntolerance/[id]
GET fhir/AllergyIntolerance
POST fhir/AllergyIntolerance/_search
Assessment & Plan of Treatment GET fhir/CarePlan/[id]
GET fhir/CarePlan
POST fhir/CarePlan/_search
Care Team members GET fhir/CareTeam/[id]
GET fhir/CareTeam
POST fhir/CareTeam/_search
Clinical Notes GET fhir/DocumentReference/[id]
GET fhir/DocumentReference
POST fhir/DocumentReference/_search
GET fhir/DiagnosticReport/[id]
GET fhir/DiagnosticReport
POST fhir/DiagnosticReport/_search
Goals GET fhir/Goal/[id]
GET fhir/Goal
POST fhir/Goal/_search
Health Concerns GET fhir/Condition/[id]
GET fhir/Condition
POST fhir/Condition/_search
Immunizations GET fhir/Immunization/[id]
GET fhir/Immunization
POST fhir/Immunization/_search
Laboratory GET fhir/Observation/[id]
GET fhir/Observation
POST fhir/Observation/_search
GET fhir/DiagnosticReport/[id]
GET fhir/DiagnosticReport
POST fhir/DiagnosticReport/_search
Medications GET fhir/Medication/[id]
GET fhir/Medication
POST fhir/Medication/_search
GET fhir/MedicationRequest/[id]
GET fhir/MedicationRequest
POST fhir/MedicationRequest/_search
Patient Demographics/Information GET fhir/Patient/[id]
GET fhir/Patient
POST fhir/Patient/_search
Problems GET fhir/Condition/[id]
GET fhir/Condition
POST fhir/Condition/_search
Procedures GET fhir/Procedure/[id]
GET fhir/Procedure
POST fhir/Procedure/_search
Provenance GET fhir/Provenance/[id]
GET fhir/Provenance
POST fhir/Provenance/_search
Smoking Status GET fhir/Observation/[id]
GET fhir/Observation
POST fhir/Observation/_search
Vital Signs GET fhir/Observation/[id]
GET fhir/Observation
POST fhir/Observation/_search
Unique Device Identifiers GET fhir/Device/[id]
GET fhir/Device
POST fhir/Device/_search
Other GET fhir/Binary/[id]
GET fhir/Encounter/[id]
GET fhir/Encounter
POST fhir/Encounter/_search
GET fhir/Location/[id]
GET fhir/Location
POST fhir/Location/_search
GET fhir/Practitioner/[id]
GET fhir/Practitioner
POST fhir/Practitioner/_search
GET fhir/PractitionerRole/[id]
GET fhir/PractitionerRole
POST fhir/PractitionerRole/_search
Bulk export GET fhir/Group/[id]/$export